TEN QUESTIONS With Aisha Babalakin

Where do you consider home and why?


I’ve never considered home to be one single place. To me, home has always been the place I find the most comfort, joy and inspiration. At this stage of my life, it is wherever I find my siblings. 


List three words or phrases that come to mind when you think of home.

The Sun

The Moon

“Even if we say nothing, I’m comfortable. It was because you were here that this became my home.”


Have you ever been homesick? Tell us the circumstances and how it felt.

I was homesick in so many ways when I lived in Jordan for four months, nearly a decade ago. Although I spent most of my time with my university friends, my host family, and the friends I made in Amman, I had never felt so alone. Nevertheless, I learned a lot about myself in that city, and cherished every moment until I returned home. 


What is your opinion about brain-drain?


I can only opine on the situation in my country of origin. I believe that Nigerians would not willingly leave their country in such numbers if they felt their government and leaders had their best interests at heart.


In what way does your physical location impact your creative output?

My physical location affects my creative output in every possible way. I am answering these questions early in the morning on a day that has promised the sun. Without the sun, I cannot be my most creative self. Without warmth, I find it difficult to see the beauty and good in everyone, including myself. 


What is your preferred mode of travel and why?

By car and by myself. I love driving across long country roads, with nothing but me, myself, and my music (specifically, two hours of Paul Simon’s Concert in the Park, August 15, 1991).


In her debut collection of poems Home Coming, Sonia Sanchez’s writes:

“i have returned \\ leaving behind me \\ all those hide and \\ seek faces peeling\\ with freudian dreams.”

      What does the phrase “freudian dreams” mean to you?


The mission to establish a colony of humans on Mars is becoming a realistic proposition. Would you agree to be one of the founding members?

No, I will remain on Earth, as it is my home. Before I even consider stepping foot on that spaceship to Mars, I will have to ask myself, “Who’s going to be there?” Is it the same greedy, avaricious, and exploitative collection of leaders that we have here on Earth? If so, why should I join them? If they choose not to go, what do they know about life on Mars that I don’t?


This is the 10th anniversary of Ake Arts and Book Festival. If you have attended this festival before, please tell us what was special about your experience. If you have never attended, what are your expectations?

I’ve been at Ake before – in person and online. My favourite part of the entire festival experience is being in the presence of so many of my literary heroes. The Ake Arts and Book Festival holds a special place in my heart, and I’m excited for this year’s festivities! 


What does Africa need right now?

The peace and space to be treated not as a monolith, but as our individual selves.