Poetry – Henrietta Ogu


If a day comes when

you are served love

like a noxious meal

that evokes pain

draws blood

leaves scars


If that day comes

I hope it doesn’t

when they bring

trauma and ruination

tempting you to fight 

for a love that won’t stay


May your feet recall

how to take flight

and escape danger

may you find your way back home

to that place where love isn’t pain

nor result in expiration.


When You Think of Home

By now you should know how risky it is to

ascribe the title “home” to people, places, and smells.


By now you should know your first true 

abode is you. This steady beating of your heart

welcoming you home, reminding you to live

you are yet alive.


For “home” is a permanent word, darling.

While people and things are often just temporary.