Ake Arts & Book Festival

Latest Past Events

Does Africa Need a Sexual Revolution? (Panel Discussion)

Strong Tower Events Centre 40 Alfred Rewane Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria, Ikoyi

As sexual morality continues to evolve, the battle between permissiveness and control continues to rage. Religion and culture play an important part in this and are seen as intrusive and outdated. Are they necessary safeguards? If so, is continued evolution enough or is it time to throw off repressive measures more urgently to achieve the 

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In conversation with Nnedi Okorafor (Conversation)

Strong Tower Events Centre 40 Alfred Rewane Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria, Ikoyi

In her chat with host Mohale Mashigo, prize-winning author, Nnedi Okorafor will talk about her recent departure from the genre in which she made her name. Her inspirational new book, Broken Places Outer Spaces, describes her early life as a college track star and budding entomologist, before she was diagnosed with scoliosis. After surgery she 

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When the Lion Tells its Tale: Who Gets to Tell African Stories? (Panel Discussion)

Strong Tower Events Centre 40 Alfred Rewane Road, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria, Ikoyi

xxxx of the African past and tell the tales anew. How skewed have the stories been? Can we still identify the truth? Who are the new voices and how are they doing? These are some of the questions Africans should be asking, and our panel will help us with some answers.